Unpaper Cloths

In recent years, many households have turned to unpaper cloths as an eco-friendly alternative to traditional paper products. Cloths like cotton dish towels and cotton napkins have replaced the need for paper towels and napkins in my own home. Cloths are versatile and can be used for drying hands, dishes, and produce and wiping dirty hands and mouths at the dinner table.​​​​​​​​ For spills and wiping down dirty counter tops and tables, I use my gentle soap cleaner and a wet compostable Swedish dish sponge or my vinegar cleaning spray (find recipe here) and one of the dozen cloth rags I have stored under the sink.

One of the greatest benefits of using unpaper cloths is their longevity. Instead of being thrown away after one use, these cloths are collected in a basket and washed with the next load of laundry. This not only reduces waste but also saves money in the long run.

In our household, the switch to unpaper cloths was seamless and now we barely notice the absence of traditional paper products. It is a simple change that has made a big difference for us in reducing waste and being more eco-friendly. If you're looking for ways to reduce your household's impact on the environment, I highly recommend giving unpaper cloths a try.


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Evergreen-infused All-Purpose Cleaner