Natural Cleaning Supplies

Making the shift towards a more sustainable lifestyle, including adopting a zero waste approach, often requires rethinking the tools and products we use in our daily lives, including those we use for cleaning. In this article, I'll be sharing some of the cleaning tools that have helped me on my zero waste journey.

It's important to note that the most sustainable option when it comes to cleaning tools is to continue using what you already have until it is no longer usable and cannot be repaired. However, if you are in need of new cleaning tools, here are plenty of eco-friendly options available, such as those with wood handles.

The cleaning tools listed below are made of materials that are either non-toxic or are compostable.

These include:
1. Horsehair broom with wooden handle + a stainless steel and wood dustpan; corn broom with wooden handle for outdoor sweeping
2. Dish brush made of natural tampico fiber bristles, beechwood, and metal
3. Washable cotton and copper scrubbers for cleaning pots and pans and walls
4. Cotton dish cloths
5. Washable and compostable Swedish dish cloths
6. Cotton rags, rags, more rags. Most of them were once used as
kitchen towels, napkins, or dish cloths.
7. Glass squirt bottles for DIY cleaning sprays
8. Glass Parmesan cheese shaker to aid in sprinkling product on carpets, oven floors, and porcelain sinks
9. Extra long wood bottle brush with soft horse hair bristles used as a toilet brush
10. Cotton string mop with wood handle
11. Galvanized steel bucket
12. Lamb's wool duster or washable cotton fleece duster
13. Old bamboo toothbrushes for corners and hard-to-reach places

For more cleaning tips and recipes, find inspiration and guidance in Bringing Nature Back Home: How To Make A Natural, Zero Waste Cleaning Routine, my first ebook. Click here to download your copy today.


Citrus Cutting Board Cleaner


Unpaper Cloths