Soothing Bug Bite Balm: Natural Relief for Itchy Skin

Do you have a child who is often bothered by mosquito bites?

As a parent in a country where screens on windows and air conditioning are not the norm, I’ve crafted a special solution for my kid who always seems to be a magnet for those buzzing pests: Mosquitoes!

Drawing upon the soothing powers of this particular combination of herbs, I’ve created a potent herbal-infused oil that transforms into a healing salve with the addition of beeswax.

This topical blend provides relief from inflammation, itchiness, and pain, while also aiding in infection prevention and skin healing.

It also provides the comforting touch our little ones need during times of discomfort and stress.

It’s my go-to remedy for the biting parts of summer, allowing my family to continue embracing the beauty of nature with comfort and ease.

If you’re interested in more natural personal care product recipes, check out my ebook: A Guide to Natural Bath & Body Care. Inside, you'll find a comprehensive guide that will walk you through the process of making potent herbal oils and 20 essential everyday bath and body care recipes right in your own home!

Here is this recipe. You will need the herbal oils already made.


1 ounce of beeswax

1 fluid ounce of each of following herbal oils: chickweed, lavender, calendula, and plantain (4 ounces total)


To start, place 4 ounces of herbal oil in a jar or measuring cup in warm water to make blending easier and faster later on. Nothing warmed than 100 degrees F. Make sure not to get any water inside the jar. Cover, if necessary.

Begin melting 1 ounce of beeswax in a double boiler on medium heat. I find glass works best. Use a chopstick to stir and encourage melting.

When beeswax is very close to melted, turn down the heat. Keep it warm enough to keep the beeswax melted. If you begin to see it solidify around the edges, increase the temperature a little at the time to melt it again.

Take out the jar containing the warmed oil from the warm bath and wipe it down to ensure no water remains on the outside to prevent water from dripping into the salve.

Slowly pour the warmed herbal oil into the melted beeswax and stir to combine. Keep the mixture moving and be careful not to overheat the oil, as some herbs may lose their potency at temperatures above 135 degrees Fahrenheit. Use a thermometer for this purpose.

Once all is combine, carefully pour the salve mixture into containers of your choice, such as tins or jars, leaving some space at the top for easy access.

Let sit for about a minute and then add 20 drops of lavender essential oil for additional therapeutic benefits. Stir slowly to combine evenly.

Set the container aside to allow the salve to cool and solidify completely.

Once cooled, label and store in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight.

Salve should last for one year.

To use: Rub on itchy spots.

For instruction on how to make an herbal oil, find the instructions here.

For recommendations on which carrier oil to choose, find my favs here.


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