Furoshiki style gift wrapping: two ways

Below are two different version of the Furoshiki style gift wrapping.

The first one is the basic wrap that works for most gifts, and second style is for book wrapping. This one holds books in tight so they don’t slip around.

For the cloth I used a cotton swaddle sheet that I had that came with a cloth product bag purchase. I never really use it and it’s so useful for this task because it’s a perfect square.

The size of your cloth should be around 17” x 17”. If your cloth isn’t exactly this size, folding it to make a square shape will work fine.

Basic wrap instructions:

  1. Place the gift in the center of your fabric.

  2. Bring the two opposite corners together and tie a double knot.

  3. Bring the other two corners together and tie a second double knot. If you want to add in a little nature detail, place it down over the first knot and then tie your second knot. The two knots will lie on top of each other. Tuck in the corners if you wish.

Book wrap instructions:

  1. Place the square piece of fabric in a diamond shape.

  2. Place the book(s) in the center of the fabric and slide it down into the bottom corner so its no longer in the center. Leave about 6 inches of fabric from the base of the book to the corner of the fabric.

  3. Flip the bottom corner over onto the book. The fabric should cover a good portion of the book.

  4. Grab the left corner and fold over the book. It should be covering all of the book.

  5. Place your fingers at the top edge of the book and flip the book over so now the front of the book is facing down. Make sure it lays flat, the fabric has remained in place and the seams are aligning.

  6. Gather the right corner and the top corner and tie a double knot or a square knot. 


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